Here's me looking pleased with the sweet little toaster oven that was one of my birthday presents. I also had a cheese-cake birthday cake with candles and everything.
Next we were off the the Nagoya Aquarium--that's it behind me in this picture.
Two of the dolphins with a trainer. They were so amazing! I had never seen dolphins before--they are incredibly fast and strong and smart. Also, it really seems like they are just having a huge amount of fun swimming, jumping and playing.
Leaping in formation and doing a high verticle jump to bat a dangling soccer ball with its snout.
Here's Caitlin in front of one of the big tropical fish tanks. Big tank and big fish too!
Here's the orca--it was so huge! It also did some performing with the dolphins--though they said this orca is pretty young and has been at the aquarium only a couple of years, so he didn't quite have it down as well as the dolphins, but I don't think that bothered the orca very much.
Orca doing a high jump. It made such a splash that the front rows got wet.
Orca and dolphin buddy. Here you can see the orca's teeth.
Caitlin with her dolphin buddies.
The sea turtles were super cool.
It's a little hard to see, but this is a sting ray with white dots all over its back.